Monday 28 November 2011

Eleanor Rigby

Eleanor Rigby is a song by The Beatles from the album Revolver.  It was written mostly by Paul McCartney and the credit is pretty much all given to John Lennon and Paul McCartney. This song is all about the loneliness of two people and how they are so close to each other (in distance), yet so far away. Neither of them does anything to solve their loneliness, they don't even go out and talk to people or have coffee with someone.

In the end Father Mackenzie is still lonely and darns his own socks, a job which was primarily the woman's job of the house, and Eleanor Rigby died lonely. No one even came to her funeral, which Father Mackenzie performed.

The two of them worked together in the church, Eleanor was in a janitorial position”… picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been”, and Father Mackenzie performed the ceremonies at that church, him being the Father and all.  It was implied that Eleanor did not show how she was really feeling in front of everyone “Waits at the window, wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door”.

I love The Beatles and most of their works.  I find that even though a lot of people say they were just high and had no clue what they were talking about when they made their songs, they actually have a lot of deep meaning works with a lot of feeling in them.  Another great song to look at would be Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.


  1. I just wanted to say, that seeing this on my blogger home page encouraged one of my blogs! (Eleanor Rigby, entirely not about Eleanor Rigby!)Haha, about your post, I really enjoyed that you gave some background information about the song, and shared some opinions about how they did not even go out for coffee haha. Also I like that you added a recommendation for music at the end! The Beatles are genius's.

  2. This is something like what I was saying in my blog post also! Like you said, they never did anything to become less lonely, never talked to each other or anyone else. So really you're making a lonely world for your own self! I just don't understand why one would live like that. I mean shyness can only go to a certain extent... haha.

    As for the Beatles, they are the best thing that ever happened in music. I love them, just saying!
